This ensures that devices always install the latest version and the Intune administrator only ever has to create a single deployment option via a PowerShell script. For Citrix Reciever, we can use this approach to target Windows 10 PCs for downloading the latest version of Receiver directly from Citrix and install it with any required command line options.
Microsoft Intune now supports deploying PowerShell scripts to Windows 10 machines, which can provide a more flexible framework for deploying complex applications. You can create a custom wrapper to deploy Receiver, but this requires a packaging tool and some specific knowledge on how to package applications. Applications such as Citrix Receiver, that are a single EXE (that wraps multiple MSI files), can, therefore, be challenging. If you’ve deployed Windows 10 Modern Management you’ll know that some applications present a challenge for deployment, because Windows 10 MDM supports the Win32 applications via a single MSI file only.